Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Spring Meeting

Saturday, May 12, 2012
1:30 – 3:30 p.m.

St. Joseph’s Hospital

 ( Cheapside Entrance)
Room E1-122 Lawson Meeting Room - 2nd floor

Martha St. Pierre
M.A., Reiki Master, Therapeutic Touch

Topic: Meditation

For more information contact:

Bea Kiekens – 519 641-6275
Bill Birtch – 519 281-8143

Everyone welcome

Monday, May 7, 2012

Feelin' Good
Spent about three hours touring around on the wheelchair yesterday mostly on bike paths along the river and mean did it feel good to be out and about again.  The weather was perfect and I managed to take a few pictures with the iPhone one of which is posted above.  I haven't been out like that since early last fall and I am determined to keep at it - at least one excursion a week.

We've been busy preparing for our third annual Walk/Run in the Park for Scleroderma and it's all coming together nicely thanks to all the help we get from members.  Our goal this year is to raise $33 000 - year 1 was $11 000, year 2 was 22 000 - so we're just moving on in increments of 11 000.  

If you are unable to attend you can always make a donation at