A large proportion of my visitors arrive here after doing a search on "scleroderma and physiotherapy". And although I did address this topic in an earlier post I realized that I'd never talked about the month I spent at an Ayurvedic Clinic.
Soon after my diagnosis in February of 2004 I decided that if western medicine couldn't cure me perhaps I could get help in the east. And so, after some extensive research on the web I settled on the Ayurvedic Natural Health Clinic near Calingute, Goa, India, primarily because it was the most reasonably priced at approximately $1600 Canadian for a one month stay.
I arrived in mid April and stayed for 30 days. While there I underwent an extensive holistic treatment plan including a special diet, herbal medicines and three to four different massages every day. I won't go into more details as you can find out more by clicking on the link in the previous paragraph. I will say however that the treatment was beneficial and I saw definite improvement in my range of motion and energy level.
Would I recommend this type of treatment? Most definitely. I have searched for a similar clinic in North America but found nothing comparable. Traveling to India again is not an option as the trip is simply too grueling and expensive.
Hope this helps.
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