Yesterday the dietitian in charge of making up my formula called to see how things are going. I asked about the lack of weight gain and she said that was as she suspected because she had intentionally kept the calorie count down (1600 cal.) because she didn't want to overwhelm my body to start off. The next batch of formula will have an additional 300 cal/day which should mean that I will gain an average of 2 pounds/week. Sounds good to me.

A source of information on how one person meets the day to day challenges of living with Scleroderma. I have had over 11 000 views here but virtually no comments. Would be most appreciative if some of you would take the time to at least say hello and if you find the site helpful. The above image is one of my photographs. To see more follow the link in the right panel.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Two Weeks on TPN
Well, it's been two full weeks that I've been on TPN and it continues to be a very positive experience. The best part is that I am eating real food every day without any ill effects - no reflux, no diarrhea - and that alone has boosted my spirits. I also have more energy to the point that, a couple of days ago, I went on a cleaning frenzy and got rid of all the clutter that had accumulated around the place. feels really great to have that out of the way finally.
weight gain
Sunday, November 14, 2010
It's All Good
First of all, my hand, although I am experiencing some pain, is doing well. No pain killers for well over a week now. Yesterday my hand slipped while turning on the stove and I banged it and that hurt like hell but the pain subsided pretty quickly so no real harm done. I'll just take it as a warning to be more careful in the future. On November 26th I will be seeing an OT to see if we can do something to make my middle finger more functional. It is currently displaced away from the thumb so I would like to see if it can be helped to move back more towards the thumb so my hand will be more useful.
TPN continues to go well also. I decided that I would weigh myself each Friday, thereby avoiding potential disappointment by checking my weight every day and seeing no progress. Well, I was still disappointed this past Friday when, after one week, there was no significant weight gain. Perhaps I'm expecting too much in such a short period. I can't be entirely certain about the accuracy of my bathroom scales but I may have gained a pound, possibly two, in which case I would be delighted. At worst, I have stayed the same which I can also live with. I should also mention that I have not, as suggested by my dietician, done any G-J tube feeds in this time period, nor have I been drinking boost every day. The reason is that I am simply enjoying not feeling bloated all the time and, even better, I am taking food orally on a regular basis and my bowels are handling it just fine. I've even stopped taking the pariet and have not had a single bout of reflux. This makes me think that it may have been my formula which was causing the problems previously.
Need I point out how much I am enjoying eating real food again? Today, for example, I have had scalloped potatoes and meat loaf which my daughter brought over. For dessert I had Oh Henry bar pieces and I have also had tea, hot chocolate and just finished a coffee. And I am still hungry but will resist eating more as I don't want to overdue it. A couple of weeks ago this would have been unthinkable.
So, in summary, I am feeling much more positive about life again and that's got to be a good thing.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
The past couple of weeks have been very busy. The amputation site is healing very nicely and I suspect that stitches will be removed when I visit the hand surgeon tomorrow. The pain is best described as intermittent and varying but overall mild to moderate. Some days it is sharp and stabbing and others a dull throb but always isolated to the stump and phantom finger.
Today, with our third class, my daughter and I finish our training sessions for TPN . The PICC line was inserted in my upper left arm yesterday, a quick and painless procedure. Tomorrow my supplies arrive and I begin my TPN feed and before you know it everyone will be calling me chubby cheeks.
Update: It's now Friday. First feed went well. I even woke up this morning feeling hungry and that has not happened in a very long time. Had a pudding cup and an Ensure which pretty much filled me up.
I was right about the stitches, they were removed yesterday. The hand surgeon was very pleased with the way my hand has healed as am I. Here's a pic if you're interested.
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