Wednesday, November 3, 2010


The past couple of weeks have been very busy. The amputation site is healing very nicely and I suspect that stitches will be removed when I visit the hand surgeon tomorrow. The pain is best described as intermittent and varying but overall mild to moderate. Some days it is sharp and stabbing and others a dull throb but always isolated to the stump and phantom finger.

Today, with our third class, my daughter and I finish our training sessions for TPN . The PICC line was inserted in my upper left arm yesterday, a quick and painless procedure. Tomorrow my supplies arrive and I begin my TPN feed and before you know it everyone will be calling me chubby cheeks.

Update: It's now Friday. First feed went well. I even woke up this morning feeling hungry and that has not happened in a very long time. Had a pudding cup and an Ensure which pretty much filled me up.
I was right about the stitches, they were removed yesterday. The hand surgeon was very pleased with the way my hand has healed as am I. Here's a pic if you're interested.

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